Dr. Precious Barnes
PHD Chemical Pathology
University of Cape Coast
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Dr. Precious Barnes
PHD Chemical Pathology
Oral Presentation
8th College of Health Sciences KNUST and 12th Convention of Biomedical Research Ghana, Joint Scientific Conference KNUST, Kumasi.
Oral Presentation
8th College of Health Sciences KNUST and 12th Convention of Biomedical Research Ghana, Joint Scientific Conference KNUST, Kumasi.
Oral Presentation
Phelidelphia, USA Philedelphia, USA.
Oral Presentation
Phelidelphia, USA Philedelphia, USA.
Contemporary Issues in Fisheries Management. Fisheries Leadership Short course for Practitioners funded by USAID/Fisheries Recovery Activity Ghana.
International and Regional Fisheries Institutional Frameworks and Bodies. Workshop on Destabilising Impacts of Distant Water Fishing Vessels (DWFV) in the Gulf of Guinea Yaounde, Cameroon.
Guest Speaker
“Promoting Research Excellence for Impact on Marine Conservation in Africa”, Institute for Oceans and Fisheries Online Seminar Series University of British Columbia, Canada.
“Grants Proposal Writing Workshop” University for Development Studies.
“Performance of the Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience”, Country Round Table Workshop Association of African Universities (AAU), Online.
“Regional Political Parties Dialogue on Fisheries: Protecting Our Fish, Securing Our Future, Live Engagement on JoyNews TV Centre for National Culture, Cape Coast.
Professorial Inaugural Lecture on the topic “Our Oceans: Securing Our Common Future through Transformative Research” Medical School Auditorium, University of Cape Coast.
Africa’s Plastic Revolution: Advancing Global Solutions for Healthy Oceans, T.D. Walter Bean Professorship Public Lecture University of Waterloo, Canada.
Expanding the Impact of Research on Africa’s Blue Economy. National Consultative Workshop for the Formulation of a National Blue Economy Strategy for Angola Luanda, Angola.
Regional Steering Committee Workshop for the World Bank West African Coastal Resilience Investment Projects (WACA ReSiP and ReiP2) Banjul, Gambia.
Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change. Short-term Training Course funded by USAID Ghana.
“Expanding the Impact of Blue Economy in Africa” (with Professor Rashid Sumaila) World Bank Headquarters, Washington.
Workshop on “Winning Research and Development Grants in a Competitive World” Bolgatanga Technical University, Ghana.
Workshop on “Proposal and Grants writing” University of Ghana, Ghana.
Study Tour on Sustainable Fisheries Management & Leadership University of Rhode Island, United States.
Vulnerability to Viability (V2V) Ghana Case Study. Bootcamp on moving fisheries from Vulnerability to Viability Puri, Delhi, India.
Guest Speaker
Workshop Presentation on “Expanding the Impact of Research on Africa’s Blue Economy in Africa Hohai University, China.
6th ACE Impact Regional Workshop of the World Bank and the Association of African Universities Accra (Online).
Seaweed (Sargassum) Invasion on the Ghanaian Coasts, Implications for the National Economy and Management Live TV Broadcast, GTV.
Guest Speaker
“West African Fisheries”, Workshop by the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) University of Makerere, Kampala, Uganda.
America Association of Cancer Research
Mechanism of action of carbon tetrachloride on liver cells
Expression of ras and rab interactor 1 (rin1), NOTCH1 and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) in Head and Neck Cancers
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ghana, Secondi/Takoradi
Ocean Country Partnership Program (OCPP) funded by Cefas/UKAID
Ocean Country Partnership Program (OCPP) funded by Cefas/UKAID
World Bank funded West Africa Coastal Areas Management Programme
African Union – InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
African Union – InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
African Union – InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
Calgary Zoo Foundation
University of Liverpool
Valued at US$32,365.00
Conservation International
World Bank
World Bank
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), United Kingdom
Highland Star Group (HSG) of Companies, Geneva, Switzerland
World Bank
Ghana Industrial Trawlers Association (GITA) and GOGIG funded by DFID/UK
UCC Consultancy Unit/Consolidated Energy Ltd.
Friends of the Nation/IUCN/French Global Environment Facility (GEF)
USAID through Friends of the Nation