University of Cape Coast
Mr. G J Normanyo
Dr. (Mrs.) Georgina Asi Owusu
Mr. George Amfo-Antiri
Dr. Gabriel Essilfie
Prof. George K T Oduro
Ghana University Staff Superannuation Scheme Hall
Grounds and Gardens
Grants and Consultancy
Department of Ghanaian Languages and Linguistics
Department of Geography and Regional Planning
Head Teacher : University Primary School
Mrs. Georgina Aglobitse
Tutor : Valco Hall
Prof. (Mrs.) Gloria Kakrabah-Quarshie Agyapong
Head of Section : Institutional Advancement Office
Mr. Godwin Asante Forkuo
Head of Department : Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management
Head of Department : Department of Computer and Systems Engineering
Prof. George Aggrey
Gynecological and breast pathology
Gaussian Process Machine Learning
Gender and Leadership in Secondary Schools
General Data Analysis
General Linguistics of French
Ga Linguistics and Culture
Gender and Development
Gender and Environment
Gender and Equal Representation
Prof. Eric Kojo Wu Aikins
Mr. James William Ampofo