University of Cape Coast

Prof. Thompson  Mumuni

Prof. Thompson Mumuni

Associate ProfessorSenior

Dr Mumuni Thompson is a senior lecturer of early childhood curriculum from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (2017), MPhil Curriculum studies (Moral and Spiritual Education (2007) University of Cape Coast, and BED Primary Education, University of Cape Coast, (2003) respectively.  Since 2008, Dr Mumuni has taught several courses both at the undergraduate graduate and graduate courses at the University of Cape Coast.

His approach to teaching is largely informed by the constructivist approach to teaching which is anchored on the belief that the learner’s previous experiences, socio-cultural context and activity-based learning settings provide opportunities for learners to construct knowledge. Because as humans, we learn by doing.

D Mumuni has served and is presently serving in both academic and non-academic positions along with his research activities. My research focuses mainly on broad areas such as early childhood curriculum, assessment in early childhood education, critical pedagogy, reconceptualized curriculum theory as well as children’s spiritual and moral development