Dr James Tuffour is a qualified accountant and a Fellow of the ACCA-UK with about two decades teaching and industry experience in Ghana, Canada, and the UK. He holds MBA and BSc degrees in Accounting from the Anglia Ruskin and Oxford Brookes Universities, respectively. Dr Tuffour is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK) and a member of several academic bodies including the British Academy of Management (UK) and the Academy of International Business (USA).
Dr Tuffour's research on the formalisation of Ghana’s small-scale gold mining sector led to the award of a PhD from the Anglia Ruskin University. He has taught accounting, auditing, taxation and other business modules at both the postgraduate and undergraduate levels at the University of Cambridge, University of East London, Anglia Ruskin University, and the London School of Commerce. At the University of East London's Sustainability Research Institute, Dr Tuffour provided consulting services to support the growth and sustenance of selected small and medium-scale enterprises in the City of London, as part of the over ten-million-pound sterling grant from the European Union. Prior to joining academia, Dr Tuffour spent about a decade of his industry career with the Ghana Audit Service, Internal Audit Agency and a national roads construction firm in Ghana.
Dr James Tuffour is currently, a Senior Lecturer at the School of Business, University of Cape Coast. He teaches Auditing and Financial Reporting, Sustainability Accounting, and Corporate Governance and Ethics to both postgraduate and undergraduate students.
His research interests cover sustainability reporting, small business development, auditing and financial reporting quality, business history, and corporate governance. His recent studies have been published in the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, Social Identities among others. He has also authored several book chapters and presented his research at international conferences in Ghana, Canada, UK, USA, UAE and Denmark.