Isaac N. Mwinlaaru is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of English of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. He has previously served as a Visiting Lecturer (PT) and a Research Associate (PT) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He holds a PhD in Linguistics from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and is a Fellow of the African Humanities Program of the American Council of Learned Societies. Isaac Mwinlaaru’s specialty is in Descriptive Linguistics, Language Typology and Historical Linguistics. He applies insights in these areas to research in critical contexts such as language and security, educational linguistics, decoloniality and resistance. He has published in internationally recognised journals, some of which are indexed in the prestigious Thomson Reuters’ A&HCI, SSCI and ESCI, notably Corpora, Critical Discourse Studies, Functions of Language, Ibérica, Language Sciences, Research in African Literatures, Sociolinguistic Studies and WORD. He has a wide range of international networks and has being a keynote speaker at several international conferences around the world. He has presented many papers at both local and international conferences across Africa, Asia and Europe.