Mrs. Eleanor Afua Onyame is the Head of School at the University Junior High School (South Campus) and holds a Master of Philosophy (Educational Administration) and a Bachelor of Education (Foundations) from the University of Cape Coast. She also holds a Teacher's Certificate 'A' (3-Year Post Secondary) with Teacher's Registered Number 5941/98. She started work in the University in 2009 as a Principal Teacher at the University Primary School, a rank she held till 2016 when she was promoted to the grade of Chief Teacher at the same School. On application, she was appointed Assistant Head of the University Junior High School in June, 2021, and subsequently appointed Head of School with effect from 1st November, 2023 having been successful at an Appointments and Promotions Board selection interview for the position.
Her research work for the Masters degree was A Study of Supervisory Practices of Selected Public Senior High and Junior High Schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis. She has to her credit, reports, memoranda and a co-authored article titled Educational Support Systems for Teenage Mothers in Public Basic Schools in the Ajumako Eyan Esiam District of The Central Region of Ghana published in the Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Science. Volume 11- Issue 6 (2023) pp: 138- 148. Another article, Pre-Tertiary School-Based Supervisory Practices: A Comparative Study of Basic and Senior High Schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis of Ghana, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Educational Management (JEM), a bi-annual Publication of the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, a UNESCO Category II Institute.
Eleanor is a results-oriented person, hardworking, committed to duty and an excellent team player with strengths in the areas of management and supervision. She has mentored a number of students of the University of Cape Coast and the OLA College of Education on teaching practice.
Mrs. Onyame is a Professional Teacher with Teachers' License Number NTC 0058060, a member of the Ghana Association of University Women (GAUW), Ghana Association of University Administrators (GAUA) and an Associate Member (ChPA) of the Chartered Institute of Administrators and Management Consultants (CIAMC)-Ghana.