I am a sex sociologist-turned-anthropologist (with additional training) with a passion for sex and gender in cultural studies. I focus on cultural representations of men and boys, sexual behaviours and responses (intimacy, desires, eroticism, romance, sexual positioning, penile-vaginal intercourse/coitus, oral sex, masturbation, dildo-vaginal penetration, virtual or online sex, orgasm, sexual pleasure or satisfaction, erection, and phallus), alcohol and substance misuse and abuse, sexual health (condomless sex, hypersexuality, STIs), and queer lives. I also have an interest in theoretical and philosophical issues related to sex and research methodologies. I see very strong intersections of gender, sex, sexual cultures, and issues related to health and violence. I agree with views that suggest that power is not a given but a "thing" out there to find. In that regard, my research and writings provide both empirical and conceptually and methodologically specific narratives to push for additional views from the fringes beyond what we know about globality. I am an academic editor at PLOS ONE and the editor of the Ghana Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (GJSA), which is the flagship journal of the Ghana Sociological and Anthropological Association (GSAA). I am a reviewer for some renowned journals in the humanities and social sciences, such as The Lancet Global Health. Furthermore, I examine and review top African and European universities, such as South Africa's University of Cape Town, Russia's National Research University—Higher School of Economics (HSE), and Ghana’s University of Ghana (UG, my alma mater). I am engaged in advocacy for non-binary and gender-variant lives in Ghana. I am engaged in doctoral supervision with universities from the global North, including the University of Glasgow and KU Leuven. A summary of research accolades comprises details of my achievements, research grants, consultancy, travel grants, and fellowships globally. I am a CCNY fellow, an ACLS/AHP fellow, a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Scholar, and a double recipient of the World Social Science Forum Fellowship Award supported by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). Daniel is also an alumnus of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva. As a senior lecturer in anthropology and sociology at the University of Cape Coast, I am also a past coordinator for research at the Centre for Gender, Research, Advocacy, and Documentation (CEGRAD) from August 2022 to July 2024. I founded the Centre for Men’s Health and Sex Studies, a not-for-profit organisation, to promote and gain support for work on men in Ghana. I guest edited a special issue of Sociolinguistic Studies, published in 2023.

Dr. Daniel Yaw Fiaveh
Senior Lecturer - ( Senior Member ) Department of Sociology and AnthropologyCoordinator (Research)
Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and DocumentationI am fiercely objective and a fair-minded person, especially in a country where fairmindedness could land in vicarious punishment and court detractions and prejudices. But the future looks good as young people continue to learn to adapt to the new local and global worlds. On that note, I continue to be as reasonable as I can and to gain a holistic understanding of learners. I believe in thinking outside the ordinary (being "queer") and allowing myself and learners to be creative and innovative. I do not believe that in assessing learners and subordinates, emphasis should necessarily be on only written or visible texts; it could be on oral or imaginary texts too. Hence, in all my instructions and assessments, I present learners with the opportunity (depending on the context and scenario) to discuss what they have learned and to receive feedback in a similar fashion. I believe that instructional strategies should keep pace with new trends that allow young and old to explore their potential. Many new technologies are being used in classrooms today, such as social networking, online teaching, class blogs and wikis, podcasting, interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, and other emerging education technologies such as video-assisted learning, augmented reality, virtual reality, and education technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI), depending upon the applicability of the teaching context and environment. Instructional manuals, guidelines, and materials are available in soft copies (PDFs) and online in digital formats such as YouTube via a shared link. This would mean that I have a minority's (rich or poor; gender-variant lives; young women or men's) best interests at heart. These are my departures from societies where questioning is perceived as being arrogant.
Departmental Registration & Exams Officer
Department of Sociology and Anthropology -
Departmental Registration & Exams Officer
Department of Sociology and Anthropology -
Centre for Gender Research, Advocacy and Documentation
Ghana Studies Asso-ciation, Triennial Con-ference 2022, “Ghana at Crossroads” University for Development Studies, Ta-male, Ghana.
Building bridges: An interdisciplinary con-ference Virtual: Zoom.
The 11th Conference on Mande Studies on “Be-yond crisis and insecu-rity: Cultural creativity, popular struggle and social change in West Africa”. Uppsala Uni-versity, Zoom..
Merck Foundation, Es-ther Lungu Foundation, & Republic of Zambia Video confer-ence.
International Conference of the Development Studies Association (DSA); DSA2020: New Leadership for Global Challenges University of Birmingham, UK: Virtu-al.
Presented a paper
15th RUFORUM Annual Meeting Ghana.
Presented a paper
The 8th African Population Conference (APC)/Union for African Population Studies (UAPS) Entebbe, Uganda.
Global Innovations for Character Development: Africa Regional Symposium on Character Development co-hosted by the Institute for Human Development at the AGA Khan University, and Templeton World Charity Foundation & the Institute for Human Development, Aga Khan University Nairobi, Kenya.
Presented a paper
World Social Science Forum (WSSF) on “Security and equality for sustainable futures” Fukuoka, Japan.
Presented a paper
African Studies Association UK Conference University of Birmingham, UK.
Presented a paper
The 60th Annual Meeting of the ASA on “Institutions: creativity and resilience in Africa Chicago, IL, USA.
Presented a paper (Skype)
39th Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference Ontario, Canada.
Presented a paper
International young researchers' conference on The impacts and challenges of demographic change by The iPOPs Laboratory of Excellence and the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) Paris, France.
Presented a paper
Innovation, transformation, and sustainable futures in Africa. African Studies Association (ASA), American Anthropological Association (AAA), CODESRIA, and WARA/WARC Dakar, Senegal.
Presented a paper
Governance research program: International Conference on Public Health Governance in Africa, CODESRIA Dakar, Senegal.
Presented a paper
World Social Science Forum (WSSF) Durban, South Africa.
Chaired a session and Presented a paper
The X International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS) International Conference on Literacies and sexualities in cultural, fictional, real and virtual worlds: Past, present and future? Dublin, Ireland.
Presented a paper
The Fifth Regional Changing Faces, Changing Spaces Conference (CFCS V), UHAI EASHRI Nairobi, Kenya.
Presented a paper
Population Association of America 2015 Annual Meeting Progam San Diago CA, USA.
Presented a paper
Population Association of America 2014 Annual Meeting Progam Boston, MA, USA.
Presented a paper (Poster)
Population Association of America 2013 Annual Meeting Progam New Orleans, LA, USA.
Contemporary Issues in Fisheries Management. Fisheries Leadership Short course for Practitioners funded by USAID/Fisheries Recovery Activity Ghana.
International and Regional Fisheries Institutional Frameworks and Bodies. Workshop on Destabilising Impacts of Distant Water Fishing Vessels (DWFV) in the Gulf of Guinea Yaounde, Cameroon.
Guest Speaker
“Promoting Research Excellence for Impact on Marine Conservation in Africa”, Institute for Oceans and Fisheries Online Seminar Series University of British Columbia, Canada.
“Grants Proposal Writing Workshop” University for Development Studies.
“Performance of the Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience”, Country Round Table Workshop Association of African Universities (AAU), Online.
“Regional Political Parties Dialogue on Fisheries: Protecting Our Fish, Securing Our Future, Live Engagement on JoyNews TV Centre for National Culture, Cape Coast.
Professorial Inaugural Lecture on the topic “Our Oceans: Securing Our Common Future through Transformative Research” Medical School Auditorium, University of Cape Coast.
Africa’s Plastic Revolution: Advancing Global Solutions for Healthy Oceans, T.D. Walter Bean Professorship Public Lecture University of Waterloo, Canada.
Expanding the Impact of Research on Africa’s Blue Economy. National Consultative Workshop for the Formulation of a National Blue Economy Strategy for Angola Luanda, Angola.
Regional Steering Committee Workshop for the World Bank West African Coastal Resilience Investment Projects (WACA ReSiP and ReiP2) Banjul, Gambia.
Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change. Short-term Training Course funded by USAID Ghana.
“Expanding the Impact of Blue Economy in Africa” (with Professor Rashid Sumaila) World Bank Headquarters, Washington.
Workshop on “Winning Research and Development Grants in a Competitive World” Bolgatanga Technical University, Ghana.
Workshop on “Proposal and Grants writing” University of Ghana, Ghana.
Study Tour on Sustainable Fisheries Management & Leadership University of Rhode Island, United States.
Vulnerability to Viability (V2V) Ghana Case Study. Bootcamp on moving fisheries from Vulnerability to Viability Puri, Delhi, India.
Guest Speaker
Workshop Presentation on “Expanding the Impact of Research on Africa’s Blue Economy in Africa Hohai University, China.
6th ACE Impact Regional Workshop of the World Bank and the Association of African Universities Accra (Online).
Seaweed (Sargassum) Invasion on the Ghanaian Coasts, Implications for the National Economy and Management Live TV Broadcast, GTV.
Guest Speaker
“West African Fisheries”, Workshop by the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) University of Makerere, Kampala, Uganda.
Precarious man, sexualisation and male sexual vulnerability in Ghana
The Regional Institute for Population Studies (RIPS), University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.
Research Support Grant (RSG/INDI/CHILS/2021/101)
Directorate of Research, Innovation & Consultancy (DRIC), University of Cape Coast
Conference Grant [DSA2020: New Leadership for Global Challenges]
Development Studies Association
Research Grant (Thesis Support Grant to Anthony Senanu Agbeve)
International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH), USA
Travel Grant (8th African Population Conference [APC])
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
World Social Science Forum (WSSF) 2018 Scholarship
World Social Science Forum (WSSF), Fukuoka, Japan; The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Travel Grant
International African Institute, UK
Research Grant
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)--AHP
Global Innovations for Character Development: Africa Regional Symposium on Character Development
Templeton World Charity Foundation & the Institute for Human Development
Research Support Grant (RSG/INDI/CHILS/2018/102)
Directorate of Research, Innovation & Consultancy (DRIC), University of Cape Coast
Travel Grant
The iPOPs Laboratory of Excellence and the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED)
ASA Dakar2016 Travel Award
African Studies Association
Travel Grant: Governance research program: International conference on public health governance in Africa
CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal
World Social Science Forum (WSSF) 2015 Scholarship
World Social Science Forum (WSSF), Durban, South Africa; The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC)
Travel Grant: Annual PAA Meeting, Boston, USA
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the PAA Fund
Small Grants Programme
Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
Research Grant
Ghana Studies Association
Postdoctoral Research Fellow--AHP Residency
Makerere University
VI IASSCS Post-Conference Training Course
Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS)
Exchange Programme
The Graduate Institute of Geneva
Sexuality Leadership Development Fellowship
Africa Regional Sexuality Resource Centre, Lagos, Nigeria
Gender Institute: African Sexualities Fellowship
CODESRIA, Dakar, Senegal
African Studies Association, UK
Global South Academic Network (GSAN)
Ghana Sociological and Anthropological Association (GSAA)
International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS)
African Studies Association, USA
Ghana Studies Association
Member (2013-2016)
Union for African Population Studies (UAPS)
Member (2013-2016)
The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP)
Population Association of America (PAA)
Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
Sexual and repro-ductive health ed-ucation among rural families in Ghana: A study in Adaklu, Volta Re-gion
Project Director
Sexual and Reproductive Health Education among Rural Families in Ghana
Co-Principal Investigator
LGBTQI in historical and anthropological perspectives: Ghana to the end of the 20th century
Project Director
Masculinity, use of herbal alcoholic bitters and compulsory heterosexuality in West Africa: Narratives from urban Ghana
Principal Investigator
LGBT discourses in Ghana: How do we frame local and western influences?
Project Director
Sex and herbal alcoholic aphrodisiacs in Ghana
Cohabitation among in-school and out-of-school youth: The case of university students and the youth in UNFPA supported communities in the Central Region [Ghana]
Team member, Contract for services to deliver a short course on Marine Litter under the OCPP
Panel Chair, Reviewed Environmental Impact Statement of PECAN Energies for Offshore Exploration of Oil & Gas
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ghana, Secondi/Takoradi
Team member, Contract for development of a short course on Marine Litter for the West Africa Region
Ocean Country Partnership Program (OCPP) funded by Cefas/UKAID
Team member, Contract services to conduct data collection surveys on abandoned lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) in Ghana
Ocean Country Partnership Program (OCPP) funded by Cefas/UKAID
Lead Consultant, Contract for the Development of Fishery Courses Syllabi for Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences (DoFAS), University of Liberia
Panel Chair, Evaluation of Applications for recruitment of Environmental, Social Safeguards Officers for Ghana’s Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI)
World Bank funded West Africa Coastal Areas Management Programme
Lead Consultant, Consultancy to review and align national fisheries and aquaculture polices and laws with the PFRS, regional instruments and global best practices for 15 AU Member States
African Union – InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
Lead Consultant, Mechanisms to Facilitate the Domestication of Global Instruments and Initiatives (2022)
African Union – InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
Lead Consultant, Identification of Issues for SIDS, Development of Draft Strategic Positions for SIDS
African Union – InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
Team member, Environmental Systems Analysis of the Avu Lagoon Protected area
Calgary Zoo Foundation
Trainer, Conduct Marine Spatial Planning Workshop in Ghana
University of Liverpool
Team member, Pre-feasibility study for nature-based intervention for Anlo Beach community in Ghana
Valued at US$32,365.00
Team member, Marine Plastic Pollution Study in Liberia
Conservation International
Team member, Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience in a Changing Climate - WACA -VAR Workshop
World Bank
Consultant, Support Development of Multi-sector Resilience Investment Programme for the West Africa Coastal Area Management Program
World Bank
Consultant, Issues and Opportunities in the Ghanaian Fishery Sector: Addressing the context, prospects and challenges
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), United Kingdom
Consultant, Estimations on renewable energy investments in Ghana
Highland Star Group (HSG) of Companies, Geneva, Switzerland
Team Member, Regional Mapping of Experts and Institutions in Coastal management
World Bank
Lead Consultant, Review of the Fisheries Act 2002 (act 625) and the Development of Draft Regulations for the conduct of Fisheries Impact Assessments
Ghana Industrial Trawlers Association (GITA) and GOGIG funded by DFID/UK
Team member, Environmental baseline survey of water bodies in the Great Consolidated Diamond Ghana Limited (GCDGL) mining concession
Team member, Scoping Study on the Dredging of the Whin Estuary in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis
UCC Consultancy Unit/Consolidated Energy Ltd.
Team member, Social Ecology of Anlo Beach Wetland of Ghana
Friends of the Nation/IUCN/French Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Principal Investigator, Biodiversity Assessment of Urban Wetlands in the Western Region, Ghana with focus on Essei and Butuah Lagoons and the Whin River Estuary
USAID through Friends of the Nation