Camara K. Obeng obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, in 2010 where he has taught since 2001. He was a Global Academic Partnership (GAP) scholar at the University of South Florida, USA in 2010 and AERC/IMF visiting Scholar at the IMF, Washington DC, USA in 2007. His research interests are international trade and finance, fiscal policy reforms and poverty studies with particular focus on the use of Computable General Equilibrium (CGE), Product Space Analysis and Randomised Control Trials methodologies. He has published a number of papers in referred journals and in books. Dr. Obeng has consulted for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Ghana, the African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi, Kenya, the WTO Chair, University of Mauritius and the ILO, Geneva. He is an active member of the African Economic Research (AERC), Kenya, the African Econometrics Society, South Africa, the Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Network, Canada, the Global Economic Modeling (ECOMOD) Network, USA and the International Input-Output Association, Austria.

Prof. Camara Kwasi Obeng
Associate Professor - ( Senior Member ) Department of Economic StudiesHead of Department
Department of Economic StudiesVice-Dean
School of Economics-
Head of Department
Department of Economic Studies
19 – 20 March, 2024: Transforming Transportation 2024: Mobilising Finance for Climate Action (Virtual), The World Bank Group: World Resource Institute: Participant Virtual.
Guest Resource Person
26th November – 1 December, 2023: AERC December 2023 Hybrid Biannual Research Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya: Guest Resource Person Nairobi, Kenya.
Guest Resource Person
27th November – 2 December, 2022: AERC December 2022 Hybrid Biannual Research Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya: Guest Resource Person Nairobi, Kenya.
30th June, 2020: AERC Virtual Special Session on “African Economies amid COVID-19: Impacts and the Road Ahead”. Participant. Virtual.
29th June, 2020: AERC Virtual Plenary Session on “Business Environment, Competitiveness, and Economic Growth in Africa”. Participant. Virtual.
Presented a Paper
8th -12th June: AERC June 2020 Virtual(Zoom) Biannual workshop. Presented a Work in Progress Report titled: “Export Efficiency and Diversification in Ghana”. Virtual.
Presented a Proposal
1st December 2019 –5th December 2019: AERC Biannual Research Workshop – Nairobi, Kenya. Presented a New Proposal titled: “Estimating Bilateral Exports Efficiency and Gap in Ghana” Nairobi, Kenya.
Presented a Paper
3rd September 2019 – 5th September, 2019: Biennial Conference of the Economic Society of South Africa, Birchwood Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa. Presented a paper titled” Global value Chains Participation and Inclusive Growth in sub-Saharan Africa”. South Africa.
Presented a Paper
29th May 2016 – 2nd June 2016: AERC Biannual Research Workshop – Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. Presented a WIP Report titled: “Tax capacity and effort in Ghana” (With Dr. William Insaidoo) Nairobi, Kenya.
Presented a New Proposal
. 27th November 2015 –4th December 2015: AERC Biannual Research Workshop – Ethiopia. Presented a New Proposal titled: “Tax capacity and effort in Ghana” ( With Dr. William Insaidoo) Ethiopia.
Presented a Paper
3rd September 2014 -4th September 2014: UDS 2014 Annual Interdisciplinary Conference held at Tamale. Presented a paper titled: Impact of import liberalisation on Poverty: A dynamic computable general equilibrium and microsimulation analysis for Ghana. Tamale, Ghana.
Presented a Paper
24th July 2013 -26th July 2013: 18th Annual Conference of the African Econometric Society held at the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra. Presented a paper Titled: Corporate Tax Competition and Sector Specific FDI in Ghana. La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra.
Presented a Paper
1st July 2013-3rd July 2013: International Conference on Economic Modeling – EcoMod2013 in Prague, Czech Republic. Presented a paper Titled: Trade liberalisation, corporate tax and Poverty in Ghana. Prague, Czech Republic.
2nd July 2012-3rd July 2012: AERC-GdNeT Workshop on Policy Brief, Nairobi, Kenya. Participant Nairobi, Kenya.
Presented a paper
10th September 2011– 11th September 2011: AERC Collaborative Project on Health, Economic Growth, and Poverty Reduction Interim Research Review Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya. Presented a paper titled: The Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Health Insurance on the Demand for Prenatal and Postnatal Health Care in Ghana [Co-authored with Professor Bhasin Vijay, K. (Final Report)] Kenya.
Presented a Paper
1st May 2011 – 5th May 2011: 2nd Joint Unilorin/UCC International Conference on Climate Change and sustainable Development, IIorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. Presented a paper titled: Determinants of Adaption to Climate Change among Artisanal Fishermen: A case study of Cape Coast Metropolis ( Co-authored with Dr. Ferdinard Ahiakpor) Nigeria.
Presented a paper
20th March 2011– 21st March 2011: AERC Collaborative Project on Health, Economic Growth, and Poverty Reduction Interim Research Review Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya. Presented a paper titled: The Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Health Insurance on the Demand for Prenatal and Postnatal Health Care in Ghana [Co-authored with Professor Bhasin Vijay, K. (Interim Report)] Kenya.
16th September 2009-17th September 2009: Sensitization Workshop on ECOWAS Common Investment Market for the Academia, Covenant University, Canaanland, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. Nigeria.
23rd September 2008 – 3rd October 2008: AERC Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Technical Workshop, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Tanzania.
14th May 2007-18th May 2007: Panel Data Analysis Course, Internal Economics Training Course, IMF, Washington, D.C., USA. Participant. Washington, D.C., USA.
9th May 2007-11th May 2007: Weak Instruments and Intrinsic Heterogeneity Course, Internal Economics Training Course, IMF, Washington, D.C., USA. Participant IMF, Washington, D.C., USA.
26th April 2007-27th April 2007: Conference on New Perspectives on Financial Globalization, Research Department, IMF, Washington, D.C., USA. Participant. IMF, Washington, D.C., USA..
Presented a paper
5th July, 2006 -7th July 2006: 11th Annual Conference of the African Econometrics Society (AES) –IDEP, Dakar, Senegal. Presented a paper titled: “Disparities of Education and Poverty Among Households in Ghana ” ( With Prof. Vijay Bhasin) Dakar, Senegal.
Presented a Paper
29th June 2005 – 1st July 2005: International Conference on Policy Modeling EcoMod2005, Istanbul, Turkey. Presented a Paper titled: Trade Liberalization, Foreign Borrowing, Poverty and Income Distribution of Households in Ghana( with Prof. Vijay Bhasin). Istanbul, Turkey.
Contemporary Issues in Fisheries Management. Fisheries Leadership Short course for Practitioners funded by USAID/Fisheries Recovery Activity Ghana.
International and Regional Fisheries Institutional Frameworks and Bodies. Workshop on Destabilising Impacts of Distant Water Fishing Vessels (DWFV) in the Gulf of Guinea Yaounde, Cameroon.
Guest Speaker
“Promoting Research Excellence for Impact on Marine Conservation in Africa”, Institute for Oceans and Fisheries Online Seminar Series University of British Columbia, Canada.
“Grants Proposal Writing Workshop” University for Development Studies.
“Performance of the Africa Centre of Excellence in Coastal Resilience”, Country Round Table Workshop Association of African Universities (AAU), Online.
“Regional Political Parties Dialogue on Fisheries: Protecting Our Fish, Securing Our Future, Live Engagement on JoyNews TV Centre for National Culture, Cape Coast.
Professorial Inaugural Lecture on the topic “Our Oceans: Securing Our Common Future through Transformative Research” Medical School Auditorium, University of Cape Coast.
Africa’s Plastic Revolution: Advancing Global Solutions for Healthy Oceans, T.D. Walter Bean Professorship Public Lecture University of Waterloo, Canada.
Expanding the Impact of Research on Africa’s Blue Economy. National Consultative Workshop for the Formulation of a National Blue Economy Strategy for Angola Luanda, Angola.
Regional Steering Committee Workshop for the World Bank West African Coastal Resilience Investment Projects (WACA ReSiP and ReiP2) Banjul, Gambia.
Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change. Short-term Training Course funded by USAID Ghana.
“Expanding the Impact of Blue Economy in Africa” (with Professor Rashid Sumaila) World Bank Headquarters, Washington.
Workshop on “Winning Research and Development Grants in a Competitive World” Bolgatanga Technical University, Ghana.
Workshop on “Proposal and Grants writing” University of Ghana, Ghana.
Study Tour on Sustainable Fisheries Management & Leadership University of Rhode Island, United States.
Vulnerability to Viability (V2V) Ghana Case Study. Bootcamp on moving fisheries from Vulnerability to Viability Puri, Delhi, India.
Guest Speaker
Workshop Presentation on “Expanding the Impact of Research on Africa’s Blue Economy in Africa Hohai University, China.
6th ACE Impact Regional Workshop of the World Bank and the Association of African Universities Accra (Online).
Seaweed (Sargassum) Invasion on the Ghanaian Coasts, Implications for the National Economy and Management Live TV Broadcast, GTV.
Guest Speaker
“West African Fisheries”, Workshop by the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) University of Makerere, Kampala, Uganda.
AERC Grant of US $9,000 (NPW/22/01/01) to organise a National Policy Workshop in Cape Coast on 17th May, 2022.
AERC Grant
3rd September 2019 – 5th September, 2019: AERC Travel Grant (CP/19/03/06) to attend the Biennial Conference of the Economic Society of South Africa, Birchwood Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa.
1st July 2013 -3rd July 2013: AERC Travel Grant (CP/13/04/05) to attend the International Conference on Economic Modeling – EcoMod2013 in Prague, Czech Republic.
July 2010 - November 2010: Global Academic Partnership (GAP) Award to complete Ph.D Thesis at University of South Florida.
• 7th November 2010– 11th November 2010: AERC Travel Grant to attend International Course offered by the Centre for Growth and Business Cycle Research on Macroeconomics for Growth and Poverty Reduction, University of Manchester.
23rd April 2007 -1st June 2007: AERC/IMF Visiting Scholar Programme, IMF, Washington, D.C.
• 5th January 2007-7th January 2007: AERC Travel Grant to attend the 43rd Annual Conference of the Indian Econometric Society in Mumbai, India.
• 5th July 2006 -7th July 2006: AERC Travel Grant to attend the 11th Annual Conference of the African Econometrics Society (AES) –IDEP, Dakar, Senegal.
• 26th May 2006– 27th May 2006: AERC Travel Grant to attend International Conference on Education and Economic Development in Preveza, Greece.
• 29th June 2005-2nd July 2005: AERC Travel Grant to attend International Conference on Policy Modelling EcoMod 2005, Instanbul, Turkey.
• 27th June 2005- 1st July 2005: Input-Output Association (IIOA) Travel Grant to attend IIOA Conference, Beijing.
Input-Output Association (IIOA) Travel Grant
2011- Date: Emerald Literati Network, UK.
2006 – Date: African Econometrics Society, South Africa.
2006 – Date: Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Network, Canada.
2005 – Date: Global Economic Modeling (ECOMOD) Network, USA
2005 – Date: International Input-Output Association, Austria
African Economic Research Consortium, Nairobi, Kenya
Kofinti, R. E., Arku, G., Annim, S.K., Asmah, E.E, Obeng, C.K., Abakah, E.J.A., Sebu, J., Cantah, W.G., Nordjo, R., and Kakrah, A. (March, 2022 – March, 2023). Do Women in Top Management Affect Firms’ Environmental, Social and Governance Performance? A
Lead Consultant
Obeng, C. K. (2020). Export Efficiency and Diversification in Ghana. (April 30, 2020 – April 20,2021): AERC Thematic Research Grant No. RT20508.
Lead Investigator
Obeng, C. K. & Brafu-Insaidoo W. G. ( 2017 ). Analysis of Ghana’s trade progress in rice, maize, and Soybeans value chains, DRIC Research Support Grant, UCC. • Brafu-Insaidoo W. G. & Obeng, C. K. (February 25, 2016 - February 25,2017): AERC
Brafu-Insaidoo W. G. & Obeng, C. K. (February 25, 2016 - February 25,2017): AERC Grant No. Rtl5530 to carry out research on Estimating Ghana's Tax Capacity and Effort.
Peprah, J. A., Obeng, C.K., & Bosompem, M. (2014 – 2015). Consultancy Services for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Ghana for Experimental Enhanced Financial Literacy Training for Women Groups and Farmer Based Organisations under RAFIP (Re
Bhasin, V.K., & Obeng, C.K. (2010-2011). The Effects of Socioeconomic Status and Health Insurance on the Demand for Prenatal and Postnatal Health Care in Ghana, AERC Collaborative Research Project, AERC Collaborative Research Grant.
Team member, Contract for services to deliver a short course on Marine Litter under the OCPP
Panel Chair, Reviewed Environmental Impact Statement of PECAN Energies for Offshore Exploration of Oil & Gas
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Ghana, Secondi/Takoradi
Team member, Contract for development of a short course on Marine Litter for the West Africa Region
Ocean Country Partnership Program (OCPP) funded by Cefas/UKAID
Team member, Contract services to conduct data collection surveys on abandoned lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) in Ghana
Ocean Country Partnership Program (OCPP) funded by Cefas/UKAID
Lead Consultant, Contract for the Development of Fishery Courses Syllabi for Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences (DoFAS), University of Liberia
Panel Chair, Evaluation of Applications for recruitment of Environmental, Social Safeguards Officers for Ghana’s Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI)
World Bank funded West Africa Coastal Areas Management Programme
Lead Consultant, Consultancy to review and align national fisheries and aquaculture polices and laws with the PFRS, regional instruments and global best practices for 15 AU Member States
African Union – InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
Lead Consultant, Mechanisms to Facilitate the Domestication of Global Instruments and Initiatives (2022)
African Union – InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
Lead Consultant, Identification of Issues for SIDS, Development of Draft Strategic Positions for SIDS
African Union – InterAfrican Bureau of Animal Resources (AU-IBAR)
Team member, Environmental Systems Analysis of the Avu Lagoon Protected area
Calgary Zoo Foundation
Trainer, Conduct Marine Spatial Planning Workshop in Ghana
University of Liverpool
Team member, Pre-feasibility study for nature-based intervention for Anlo Beach community in Ghana
Valued at US$32,365.00
Team member, Marine Plastic Pollution Study in Liberia
Conservation International
Team member, Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience in a Changing Climate - WACA -VAR Workshop
World Bank
Consultant, Support Development of Multi-sector Resilience Investment Programme for the West Africa Coastal Area Management Program
World Bank
Consultant, Issues and Opportunities in the Ghanaian Fishery Sector: Addressing the context, prospects and challenges
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC), United Kingdom
Consultant, Estimations on renewable energy investments in Ghana
Highland Star Group (HSG) of Companies, Geneva, Switzerland
Team Member, Regional Mapping of Experts and Institutions in Coastal management
World Bank
Lead Consultant, Review of the Fisheries Act 2002 (act 625) and the Development of Draft Regulations for the conduct of Fisheries Impact Assessments
Ghana Industrial Trawlers Association (GITA) and GOGIG funded by DFID/UK
Team member, Environmental baseline survey of water bodies in the Great Consolidated Diamond Ghana Limited (GCDGL) mining concession
Team member, Scoping Study on the Dredging of the Whin Estuary in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis
UCC Consultancy Unit/Consolidated Energy Ltd.
Team member, Social Ecology of Anlo Beach Wetland of Ghana
Friends of the Nation/IUCN/French Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Principal Investigator, Biodiversity Assessment of Urban Wetlands in the Western Region, Ghana with focus on Essei and Butuah Lagoons and the Whin River Estuary
USAID through Friends of the Nation