University of Cape Coast

Dr. Anthony Akwesi Owusu is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Business and Social Sciences Education, University of Cape Coast. He holds a PhD. Degree in Curriculum and Teaching; M.Phil. Degree in Curriculum Studies; and a Bachelor of Education Degree (Psychology) all from the University of Cape Coast. Anthony has extensive working knowledge in Curriculum and Teaching with expertise in Economics Education. 

He has extensive publications in both local and international journals with a lot of policy and practice impacts. He has about ten (18) peer-reviewed scientific articles in International Journal of Higher Education and Research; International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review; International Journal of Business Research; Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, (JETERAPS; International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature; International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research; and International Journal of Computing Academic Research, among others. 

He has attended several local and international conferences either as a participant or a facilitator and currently serves as Faculty member on Boards in the University. He is also currently a member of the Faculty Thesis vetting Committee who are charged with a responsibility of ensuring that post-graduate students' theses and dissertations comply with the doctrines or guidelines for students outlined by the School of Graduate Studies, University of Cape Coast.

On 27th September 2019, he was the only PhD graduate from his faculty who received the Dean's Excellence Award for Quality Research from the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) at the 52nd Congregation, University of Cape Coast. Just a year later, on the 3rd of November, 2020, he also won a grant award for Individual Research Support Grant which was delivered by the Directorate of Research and Innovation Consultancy of the University of Cape Coast (DRIC, UCC). He is a member of good standing of the University Teachers' Association of Ghana (UTAG). He enjoys reading and jogging during his leisure hours.